Hospital and Outreach Education (HOE) is an Alternative Provision Academy and is part of The Skylark Partnership Trust. HOE provides educational support for children and young people with complex medical and/or mental health needs which prevent them from attending school full time. 

There are teaching provisions at the general hospitals in Kettering and Northampton and at The Sett and The Burrows (Tier 4  CAMHS Units) in Northampton. We work with pupils who are resident in North or West Northamptonshire through our Delapre Learning Centre in Northampton (Y11 and 12) and in pupils’ homes, community locations and Stanwick Lakes via our Bridge Reintegration programme (pupils below Y11).

The HOE team is led by James Shryane and is made up of highly qualified teachers and support staff.  All staff are appropriately trained and employ a broad range of skills and engagement techniques to help children and young people recognise and celebrate their strengths, overcome their difficulties, cope with their medical/mental health conditions, and re-engage with life-long learning.

We also work very closely with multi-agency colleagues from health, CAMHS, social care and other teams within North and West Northamptonshire Local Authorities.

Pupils educated through HOE range in age from 5 to 18 years and may be from across the whole ability range.  Pupils are dual registered with their home schools.

Support can take the form of:

  • Direct teaching from a qualified teacher or a Higher Level Teaching Assistant, supervised by a teacher. This may take place:
    • In one of our bases
    • In the home 
    • In the child’s school
    • In a community location such as a library
    • In our classroom at Stanwick Lakes
  • Remote teaching
  • Direct reintegration support
  • Use of an AV1 telepresence robot that gives remote access to school
  • Telephone advice to the child’s school
  • Safeguarding visits to the home

All pupils receive a personalised education programme, and have an individual learning plan to support their learning and medical/mental health needs.  Reviews are held with parents/carers and pupils, home school staff and multi-professional colleagues every 6 weeks to review the learning plan and plan ahead.

Admission arrangements

Our admissions arrangements can be found in our Admissions Policy which can be found here 

Performance tables

Pupil Referral Unit performance tables are not the same as schools and the national data sets only show results for pupils who were singly registered at an Alternative Provision: 95% of our pupils are dual registered, so this is not an accurate method of benchmarking for our settings.

HOE are part of a national benchmarking project for alternative provision, led by Eugene Brunet from Prisum, and use this data to benchmark against similar settings. This allows us to use our peer network for school improvement.


All pupils have access to a personalised curriculum that caters for their particular health needs, their age, stage, and SEND needs, regardless of where they access their education within HOE. Their education is planned to maximise their learning whilst preparing them for the next stage in their educational journey, including reintegration to their home school. Planning takes account of the critical need to re-ignite the love of learning so they can gain the knowledge, experience and skills needed to be successful in their adult lives. Personal, social and emotional progress is as important as academic progress as without developing their confidence and self esteem, they will not be successful learners. Provision is designed specifically to support those too unwell to access mainstream or special educational settings.

The curriculum is designed to provide access to a range of academic subjects. In addition within the personal development and activities curriculum we offer qualification focussed exit points. In the IT curriculum we offer Pearson L1 in Essential Digital Skills. In Food Technology we offer L2 NCFE qualification.


Hospital and Outreach Education have a set core values which have been devised from discussions with pupils, with staff and other stakeholders. We ask our staff, local advisory board members, management committee, pupils, parents/carers and other visitors to adhere to these core values when working with us. Our core values are Resilience, respect, compassion. co-operation, hope, honesty and trust.

Hospital and Outreach Education gained the Values based Education Quality Mark in December 2019. You can see what the auditor said about our settings and how we demonstrate our values based approach in the report which can be found here:

Values based Education Report

‘The staff all provide wonderful role models for the young people and yet provide challenge when needed to allow the pupils to be the best that they can be, for them. Everyone has their own personalised learning journey, and this is carefully managed and nurtured alongside parents and other professionals. This takes a lot of time to develop these trust relationships, but it is time well spent as the pupils are doing well to overcome their individual challenges.’

‘The atmosphere at Hospital and Outreach is that of ​a friendly, loving, non-judgemental and most importantly a happy environment. The school have worked exceptionally hard to raise the profile of Values and it is clear that you are walking around spaces where values underpin everything that they do. ‘

‘The school’s climate for learning is calm and purposeful; one that promotes quality teaching and learning’

Need more information on how we can help?


Generally, HOE does not attract pupil premium funding, as the majority of our pupils are dual subsidiary registered with their home schools and the funding goes to the home school. Within the service level agreement between HOE and the home school, HOE can ask the school for a proportion of the funding to support additional activities that cannot be funded by the academy e.g. sessions of equine therapy.

Click here for our HOE Pupil Premium Statement 2021-24


Useful Links

For any further information
please contact us on
01604 662250

Delapre Learning Centre
Alton Street

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